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WHY water?

Nearly one billion people globally, live without access to clean water. Everyday millions of people sacrifice their health, education and economic opportunities searching for something many of us take for granted. 

We believe that together we can help change that...

One watch = One person's clean water supply, for life

Just $63 cents helps provide 1 year of clean water for one person. With every watch sold, Water™ Watch Company helps give clean water to someone who needs it, for their entire lifetime. 

How the work gets done

We've chosen to partner with the most transparent charities working to solve the water crisis -- namely,, charity:water, & wateraid. Their work involves drilling wells, purifying water and piping clean water supplies to community taps. Most of the work funded takes place in Africa, Asia, Central and South America where many rural communities gain their first access to a clean water source.

Our passion for helping others has brought us on this incredible journey and we're glad to share it with you. Become a part of ending the global water crisis. Become a part of redefining what it means to give, in business. Join us.

Be the change. 

(photos courtesy of


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